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Illinois Pension Bailout Request: Reaction Roundup and Why It\'s a Nonstarter

Illinois\'s governor, JB Pritzker, has requested a bailout from the federal government for the state\'s pension system. The request has been met with mixed reactions, with some supporting it and others calling it a nonstarter.

Reaction to the Request

The reaction to the request has been largely along party lines, with Republicans generally opposed to the bailout and Democrats generally supportive.


Republicans have argued that the bailout is unfair to taxpayers in other states who are not responsible for Illinois\'s pension problems. They have also argued that the bailout would set a bad precedent, encouraging other states to mismanage their pension funds.


Democrats have argued that the bailout is necessary to prevent a financial crisis in Illinois. They have also argued that the bailout is a sound investment, as it will save taxpayers money in the long run.

Why the Bailout is a Nonstarter

There are a number of reasons why the bailout is unlikely to happen.

  • First, the federal government is facing its own financial problems. The federal deficit is currently over $2 trillion, and the government is unlikely to be able to afford to bail out Illinois.
  • Second, the bailout would set a bad precedent. If the federal government bails out Illinois, it will be more likely to bail out other states in the future. This would encourage states to mismanage their pension funds, knowing that they will be bailed out if things go wrong.
  • Third, the bailout would not solve Illinois\'s pension problems. The bailout would only provide temporary relief, and the state would still need to find a way to address its long-term pension problems.


The Illinois pension bailout request is unlikely to happen. There are a number of reasons why the bailout is a nonstarter, including the federal government\'s financial problems, the precedent it would set, and the fact that it would not solve Illinois\'s pension problems.

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