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  5. Immigration Advocates Are Fighting Back Against Trump\’s COVID-19 Detention Policies
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Alien Advocates Flipping the Script on Immigration Detainees and COVID-19

H2: Alien Advocates Are Calling for the Release of Immigration Detainees

Immigration advocates are calling for the release of immigration detainees amid the COVID-19 pandemic. They argue that the detainees are at a higher risk of contracting the virus due to the close quarters in which they are housed. They also say that the detainees are not receiving adequate medical care.

H3: The Risks of COVID-19 in Immigration Detention Centers

The close quarters in which immigration detainees are housed make them more susceptible to contracting COVID-19. A study by the University of California, Los Angeles found that immigration detainees are 10 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than the general population.

The study also found that the detainees were more likely to be infected with COVID-19 if they were housed in a facility with a high number of cases. The study also found that the detainees were more likely to die from COVID-19 if they were older or had underlying health conditions.

H3: The Lack of Adequate Medical Care for Immigration Detainees

Immigration detainees are not receiving adequate medical care for COVID-19. A report by the Human Rights Watch found that immigration detainees are being denied access to testing, treatment, and isolation.

The report also found that immigration detainees are being held in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions. These conditions make it difficult to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

H2: Alien Advocates Are Calling for the Release of Immigration Detainees

Alien advocates are calling for the release of immigration detainees as a way to protect them from the spread of COVID-19. They argue that the detainees are at a higher risk of contracting the virus and that they are not receiving adequate medical care.

H3: The Benefits of Releasing Immigration Detainees

Releasing immigration detainees would have a number of benefits. It would help to protect the detainees from the spread of COVID-19. It would also free up space in the detention centers, which would allow for social distancing and better infection control.

Releasing the detainees would also allow them to access medical care and other services that they need. It would also allow them to reunite with their families and loved ones.

H2: The Trump Administration Is Resisting Calls to Release Immigration Detainees

The Trump administration is resisting calls to release immigration detainees. The administration argues that the detainees are a threat to public safety and that they need to be detained in order to prevent them from fleeing the country.

H3: The Consequences of Keeping Immigration Detainees in Custody

Keeping immigration detainees in custody during the COVID-19 pandemic is a dangerous and inhumane policy. It is putting the detainees at a higher risk of contracting the virus and it is denying them access to adequate medical care.

The policy is also creating a public health risk. The detainees are being held in close quarters and they are not being properly screened for COVID-19. This is creating a breeding ground for the virus and it is putting the entire community at risk.

H2: Alien Advocates Are Fighting Back

Alien advocates are fighting back against the Trump administration\'s policy of keeping immigration detainees in custody. They are filing lawsuits, organizing protests, and calling on the government to release the detainees.

The advocates are also working to raise awareness about the plight of the detainees. They are sharing stories about the detainees and they are calling on the public to demand their release.

H3: The Fight to Release Immigration Detainees Is Just Beginning

The fight to release immigration detainees is just beginning. The advocates are determined to win this fight and they will not stop until the detainees are released.

Call to Action

If you are concerned about the plight of immigration detainees, you can take action to help. You can sign petitions, donate to organizations that are fighting for the release of the detainees, and contact your elected officials to demand their release.

You can also share stories about the detainees on social media and raise awareness about their plight. By taking action, you can help to make a difference in the lives of the detainees.

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